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Jazzbühne Lech Concerts

Culture highlights im summer

Jazzbühne Lech Concerts

The Jazzbühne Lech once again invites you to four unforgettable evenings full of rhythmic variety and musical brilliance. In the midst of the breathtaking scenery of Lech am Arlberg, a programme awaits you that will make the hearts of jazz lovers beat faster.

Enjoy the most diverse facets of jazz, from traditional sounds to modern interpretations that cross boundaries and break new ground. But not only jazz in its pure form is on offer - contemporary music also finds its place on the stage of the Jazzbühne Lech, providing a unique blend of sounds and styles.

Behind the scenes, the passionate operators of the Jazzbühne, the members of the respected Waldhart family of sports retailers from Lech, are working tirelessly to perfect the programme for the coming summer. With a firework of ideas and a great deal of enthusiasm, they are making plans for a jazz festival that will take visitors' hearts by storm.

Look forward to unforgettable nights full of music, community and an unrivalled atmosphere - only on the Lech jazz stage.

Dates Summer 2024

When? 14 to 17 August 2024
Start of the concert? 09:00 pm

You can find more information here.


Lech Sports Park
Village 456
6764 Lech

Tickets can be found here.

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